Ministry of Finance

02 3255 300
12 Dame Gruev Str., Skopje
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Ministry of Finance performs works and tasks related to:
- Preparation and execution of the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia and the balance sheet of the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia;
- Treasury system;
- Public debt management;
- Macro-economic policy and policy for development of national economy;
- Preparation and monitoring macro-economic balances; tax system and tax policy;
- Customs;
- Bank and saving banks system and other financial institutions;
- System of foreign currency operations;
- System of accounting, auditing and payment operations;
- International financial relations and EU cooperation;
- Public internal financial control;
- Fiscal decentralization;
- Games of chance, ownership and other property and legal relations;
- Commodity reserves;
- Supervision under their authority and other duties stipulated by law.