Ministry of foreign affairs and Foreign Trade

+389 2 3115 266
„Филип Втори Македонски“ број 7, Скопје
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs performs activities referring to:
- • Foreign affairs and foreign policy of the Republic of North Macedonia;
• Establishment, development and coordination of relations, representation and affirmation of the Republic of North Macedonia on international level;
• Protection of the interests, rights and property of the Republic and its citizens, as well as domestic legal entities abroad;
• Coordination and reporting on the policy of the jurisdiction for which it was established;
• Care for the position and rights of the Macedonian people in the neighbouring countries;
• Organization and management of the diplomatic, consular and other representations of the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as organizing the system of connections with them;
• Execution, ratification and preservation of international agreements;
• Determination and marking of the state border;
• communication and cooperation with foreign diplomatic and consular offices of foreign countries and missions of international organizations in the Republic of North Macedonia;
• Accreditation of ambassadors, reception of credentials, issuance of privileges and immunities to foreign diplomatic missions and missions of international governmental organizations and other matters related to the appointment and revoking of ambassadors of the Republic of North Macedonia abroad;
• Collection, study and care of foreign and domestic documentation under its authority;
• And other activities as stipulated by law.