Strategic Priorities

The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia is strongly committed to strengthening the unity, sovereignty and stability of the country, declaring its strong political will for reform work focused on the joint strategic priorities of the Republic of North Macedonia, NATO and the European Union membership, ensuring a real division of the power, the functioning of the rule of law and the building of strong, professional and open institutions.

The Government, fully respecting the Constitution and the international obligations of the Republic of North Macedonia, is working towards uniting everyone behind the platform of global and recognized North Macedonia. We are building good inter-ethnic relations, based on the principles of mutual respect and tolerance and implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. Such a reform agenda enables implementation of the common objectives shared by the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia: better life for all citizens, development of economy, restoration of democracy, rule of law and justice, equality of citizens, efficient institutions, quality education and health, as well as improving the international reputation and position of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Strategic priorities of the Government are:

  • Development of the economy, increase of productive employment and raising the living standard of the citizens;
  • Full membership of the Republic of North Macedonia in NATO;
  • Successfully running the accession negotiations with the European Union;
  • Decisive and indiscriminate fight against organized crime and corruption;
  • Strengthening the rule of law through impartial and non-discriminatory enforcement of laws, building independent institutions and a functioning system of local self-government;
  • Reforms in the education system and investment in innovation and information technology;
  • Reforms in the judiciary system;
  • Full implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and building a civil state and ethnic cohesion on the principles of mutual tolerance and respect;
  • Reduction of air pollution.

* All priorities have the same importance.

Programme for Work of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia - 2024-2028 [Download]

The Government's Programme for Work aims to describe the key priorities this Government is devoted to and the manners it plans to introduce and implement reforms that are of great importance to all citizens, and to the country as well.

Government Programmes for current years

Pursuant to the Law on the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Rules of Procedure of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, annual Programmes for Work of the Government are developed each year, in accordance with the Programme for Work of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia 2024, the Methodology for Strategic Planning and Preparation of the Annual Programme for Work of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the strategic priorities of the Government.

The Programme for 2024 is in function of achieving the strategic priorities and priority objectives of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia for 2024 contained in the Programme for Work of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia 2024.

Current Programme:

Programme for Work of the Government for 2024-2028

Old Programmes:


Programme for Work of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia - 2017 - 2020 [Download]

The Programme is divided into several key areas:

  1. Economic growth, new jobs, higher standard
  2. Fair taxation
  3. New jobs and higher wages
  4. Support for domestic enterprises
  5. Social protection
  6. Republic of North Macedonia – member of NATO and the European Union
  7. Defense policy under NATO auspices
  8. Building one society for all
  9. Responsible government and control of government
  10. Access to justice
  11. Human rights
  12. Professional police – security for all citizens
  13. Free Media
  14. Institutions in the service of citizens
    1. Education for the new time
    2. Support for Young People
    3. Quality Healthcare
    4. Public Administration as a Service to Citizens
  15. Sustainable development investments
    1. Agricultural Development
    2. Infrastructure
    3. Energy
    4. Information Society
  16. Healthy Environment
  17. Protection of Natural Disasters
  18. Free and European Culture
  19. Local self-government and balanced regional development
  20. Stimulation of Sports

Programme for Work of the Government for 2019

Programme for Work of the Government for 2018

Programme for Work of the Government for the period June - December 2017

Plans for Reform Priorities

In addition to the Programmes for Work, the Government also plans to implement key reform priorities or defined strategic objectives.

Current Plans:

Plan for Clean Air

Plan for Economic Growth

Completed Plans:

Plan 18 - Building a state according to European rules

Plan for Urgent Reform Priorities "3 - 6 - 9"

Strategic Plan of the General Secretariat

The Strategic Plan of the General Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia for the period 2019-2021 contains measures and activities that are in function of achieving the strategic priorities and objectives of the General Secretariat and the strategic priorities and objectives of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Strategic Plan of the General Secretariat 2019 - 2021

Annual Work Plan of the General Secretariat for 2019

Strategic Planning Process of the General Secretariat

National Strategies

In order to quickly, efficiently and thoroughly implement the policies of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, one or more institutions can propose a national strategy for a certain policy to the Government. The Government, at one of its sessions, decides on the adoption of a certain national strategy, and after its adoption, it informs the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia about it.

National Strategies of the Government

Concept and Roadmap for digital transformation of society

The Concept of digital transformation of society aims at fundamental changes in the way institutions function and improving their efficiency as a service to citizens. It is an umbrella document that defines the basic principles that should guide the digital transformation of all areas of society, which will be achieved through cooperation between the government, public institutions, private companies, the civil sector and the academic community. Based on the Concept, a Roadmap for digital transformation of society was developed and adopted, with initiatives and projects mapped according to the principles of the Concept.