Ministry of Political System and Inter-Community Relations

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The Ministry of Political System and Inter-Community Relations performs works and duties related to:
- Functioning of political system;
- Securing and coordination of the support to the Government in realization of the strategic priority related to obligations arising from Framework agreement;
- Securing and realization of financial assets required for successful development of the process of realization of obligations arising from the Framework Agreement within the frames of the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia and donors;
- Advancement and protection of the rights of communities as group of citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia who live on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia and its representatives have different ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious and other specifics and are led by the will for protection and nurturing those specifics;
- Monitoring the implementation of the right to use of languages and alphabets of the communities;
- Guaranteeing the protection of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of the communities;
- International cooperation for issues referring to political life and inter-community relations;
- Cooperation and harmonization of data from the data base in their competence with the State Statistical Office;
- Cooperation and performing professional works for the needs of the bodies of national and local government in diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of North Macedonia and within other state bodies established in pursuance to the Constitution and law and in institutions that perform activities in the area of public interest as stipulated by law, and organized as agencies, funds, public institutions and public enterprises established by the Republic of North Macedonia or from municipalities, from the city of Skopje, as well as the municipalities in the city of Skopje;
- Monitoring the state of inter-community relations in the Republic of North Macedonia on national level, per regions and in the local self-government units;
- Preparing reports and recommendations to the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as the Inter-Communities Relations Committee;
- Providing support to institutions in accomplishing the obligations stipulated in this Law;
- Promoting and undertaking measures for enhancement of use of the language that is spoken by at least 20% of the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia;
- Preparation of professional-analytical materials under their authority for the needs of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia;
- Providing support to the Government in securing fair and equal representation of citizens that belong to all communities in the state administration bodies;
- Providing support in preparation of methodology for adoption of actions plans of the Government in the area of equal representation in employment;
- Providing support in coordination of activities with the bodies of state administration and donors and
- Performing other duties as stipulated by Law.