Ministry of Economy

02 3085 347
15 Jurij Gagarin Str., Skopje
The Ministry of Economy performs works and duties related to:
- Monitoring the state and developments on the market of goods and services and impact of measures of the economic policy;
- Monitoring of economic, structural and technical and technological situations and proposing measures for accomplishing development and ongoing economic policy in area of production, trade, tourism, hospitality services and handicraft;
- Undertaking measures against monopoles and monopole behavior;
- Monitoring current material balances and providing citizens with fundamental foodstuff and other consumer goods, and enterprises with raw materials;
- System and Policy of Prices for products and services;
- Preparing program for global material development of human resources;
- Industrial property;
- Protection of consumers;
- Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives;
- Monitoring international economic movements, as well as their impact over economic relations of the Republic of North Macedonia;
- Foreign Trade;
- Geological research and exploitation of minerals;
- Energy;
- Use of general and technical norms, regulations and standards;
- Metrology;
- Performing surveillance under their authority; and
- Performing other duties as stipulated by Law.