Timcho Mucunski

Timcho Mucunski is a law school graduate and a politician with an extensive experience in public administration and education. He was born on 29 July 1989 in Berovo.
Mucunski graduated from the Faculty of Law Iustinianus Primus within the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje where he obtained the title of Bachelor of Laws. Afterwards he continued his education at the same faculty where he completed master studies in the area of legal science and defended his thesis: “The Administrative System of the European Union”. In 2021 he completed his doctoral studies and defended the thesis: “Relations between the institutes of Roman Law and modern private corporations”.
His professional career started in 2009 on the position demonstrator at the Faculty of Law, and in the period between 2015 and 2019 he worked as a teaching assistant. In 2019 he became a docent at the same faculty and still performs the same job.
Mucunski also has rich experience in public administration. From 2015 to 2017, he worked as a deputy minister in the Ministry of Information Society and Administration. In 2020, he was elected a member in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, where he remained until 2021. As of 2021 Mucunski was mayor of the municipality of Aerodrom in Skopje.
Mucunski authored numerous scientific law and public administration papers, including papers published in the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Institute for Democracy and Ius Romanium.
Mucunski is an active participant and speaker on numerous international and domestic conferences and projects funded by foundations such as Konrad Adenauer and the Centre for International Education CIVIC.
Timcho Mucunski is fluent in English.