Renowned athletes and coaches named ambassadors of Macedonian sports

Former football coach Andon Doncevski, handball player Kiril Lazarov, volleyball player and coach Joshko Milenkovski and football player Agim Ibraimi have been named ambassadors of Macedonian sports.

They were presented with plaques acknowledging the recognition by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on Monday.

The recipients said it was a huge honor to be named ambassadors of sports.

“This is the highest achievement is have ever received in my life and it acknowledges the efforts I have made for Vardar FC and Macedonia in general,” said Doncevski, who was the coach of the first Macedonian national football team after the country declared independence. Nowadays, he lives and works in Australia.

Kire Lazarov, who plays for Barcelona HC and the national handball team, thanked for the recognition vowing he would continue to promote Macedonia abroad in his capacity as ambassador of sports.

Former volleyball player Milenkovski, who currently is a coach in a Turkish club, said it was a privilege to be in the company of athletes calling them ‘one of the greats of Macedonia’s sports.’

“I hope and I believe I will do my best to represent and promote Macedonia in the future,” stated Agim Ibraimi, who plays for Maribor FC and the national football team.

Under the Law on Sports, renowned Macedonian athletes and coaches can be named ambassadors of Macedonian sports in order to promote and affirm the country abroad.