PM Dimitriev: 74 new schools built, 410 reconstructed in past decade
This year’s plan for reconstruction and building of schools is nearing its end. Two schools are being built in two Skopje settlements and close to 60 other schools are being overhauled, Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev said Tuesday after surveying construction works for a school in Hrom settlement alongside Deputy Education Minister Spiro Ristovski and Gjorce Petrov municipal mayor Sokol Mitrovski.
In the past ten years, he added, 74 new schools have been built in Macedonia and 410 school buildings have been overhauled.
“EUR 50 million has been invested in the process. It is considered a major investment in elementary and high school education. At the same time, the construction sector has been supported, workers have been engaged all the while improving the conditions in education,” stated Dimitriev.
He pledged the government would continue to support elementary, high school and higher education, because ‘the main goal is to provide quality education making young people in Macedonia better compatible with their peers in other countries.’