Dimitriev: September 8 is our third Ilinden

Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev extended Thursday congratulations to the Macedonian people on the country's Independence Day, saying September 8 is Macedonia's third Ilinden.

"Twenty-five years ago, the Macedonian people decided for a free, independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia, firmly guided by the 1903 Ilinden and 1944 ASNOM ideas and the legacy of our ancestors over commitment to the protection of national interests. That is why September 8 is our third Ilinden - a day when we celebrate our independence and our victory. A day when we pay homage to generations before us, the ones who traced the path to an independent Macedonia through their courage, sacrifice and commitment. This is also a day that makes us think about the future of our country and actions led by well-wishing and good intentions", says PM Dimitriev in the note.

He says that Macedonia faced numerous challenges, both at home and abroad, over the past 25 years.

"These are years when we celebrated great success but also went through dark times. This period has demonstrated the capacity, strength and knowledge of Macedonian citizens in overcoming every challenge through responsibility, wisdom and commitment when it comes to the country's interests", adds Dimitriev.

He expresses belief that Macedonian citizens will once again show their decisiveness at the coming elections, thus finally ending the long-standing political crisis.

"Macedonia will emerge stronger and continue on the road of development and prosperity. This road includes reforms and projects for a better life, economic growth, opening of new jobs and commitment to the country's NATO and EU integration. This is our goal, this is the interest of all citizens, and this is our obligation for the future generations", underlines PM Dimitriev in the Independence Day note.