Premier Dimitriev, Deputy PM Pesevski meet Jugohrom officials
Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev and Deputy Premier Vladimir Pesevski held Monday a meeting with officials of the Jugohrom trade union and management to discuss the current situation the company is facing.
The meeting was 'constructive', representatives from the two sides concurred.
On its part, the government said the interests of the workers and the company should be taken into consideration in finding a solution to the situation, as well as the interests to respect environmental-friendly standards.
The government believes there are prospects, space and a zone of acceptability to align these three interests without one interest hindering the remaining interests. Details and options to harmonize the three interests in a quality manner could be considered by a political government. The incumbent government, according to its jurisdiction, will continue to closely follow the situation as it remains open for discussion with all parties involved.
The Ferroalloys plant, located in the village of Jegunovce some 10 km from Tetovo, was shut down in November for not having installed filtration system. Jugohrom workers have staged protests in Skopje urging the State Environment Inspectorate to revoke the decision for closure.