Announcement of the Inter-ministerial working group for fulfilment of the obligations stipulated in the Final Agreement for the Settlement of the Differences as Described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993)

Announcement of the Inter-ministerial working group for fulfilment of the obligations stipulated in the Final Agreement for the Settlement of the Differences as Described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), the Termination of the Interim Accord of 1995, and the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership between the Parties 

Upon the first meeting, the inter-ministerial working group for fulfilment of the obligations stipulated in the final agreement for the settlement of the differences as described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), the termination of the interim accord of 1995, and the establishment of a strategic partnership between the parties, adopted the following decisions with regard to the necessary measures and activities for fulfilment of the obligations by the Republic of North Macedonia, upon entry into force of the Final Agreement and Constitutional Amendments and Constitutional Law on January 11th 2019, today on February 12th 2019, with indicative deadlines for their realization.


  1. The Customs Administration shall place stickers on the signs on the border crossings, the national border of the Republic of North Macedonia and on the two airports in the Republic of North Macedonia, within 3 days; 
  2. The Public Relations Department within the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, within 7 days, shall prepare a Book on Graphic Standards determining the standards for visual representation of the constitutional name Republic of North Macedonia in conjunction with the national coat of arms as an emblem used by the national institutions for the official public signs on the entrance of all institutions. 
  3. The General Secretariat, within 7 days, shall prepare software, which will contain all institutions on national and local level, as well as the dimensions of the official public signs. 
  4. All institutions shall change all digital records (emblems, memorandums, electronic communications, websites, media, etc.) within 3 days. 
  5. All institutions must appropriately change the memorandums, printed materials, folders, indicators, within 2 weeks. 
  6. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall substitute the signs within the Ministry, as well as the seals and stamps in the Ministry within 2 weeks, whereas in the diplomatic-consular offices within 3 weeks. 
  7. The Ministry of Interior shall commence issuing new vehicle registration plates within 4 months. In the meantime, the Ministry of Interior shall provide stickers with the abbreviation “NMK” for the vehicles’ registration plates. 
  8. The Ministry of Interior shall undertake necessary measures and activities for implementation of a solution in the transitional period until technical presumptions are created for issuance of new travel and ID documents. The issuance of new passports shall commence as of the end of 2019. During the transitional period, the Ministry of Interior, during exit from or entrance in the Republic of North Macedonia, in the existing and passport issued during the transitional period, shall affix a seal clarifying that the travel documents belong to the Republic of North Macedonia. 
  9. Due to the complexity of the procedure, the National Bank shall make analysis and plan for the necessary activities for gradual replacement of the banknotes determining the time dynamics within the frames of the regular new emissions, taking into consideration the macro-economic stability; the first new banknotes bearing the new name of the National Bank could be prepared for the beginning of 2020 and afterwards, successively, they will be fully replaced no later than 5 years as of the opening of the relevant EU chapter. 
  10. The traffic signs on international roads within the country, giving preference to endonyms (English transcription) over the exonyms (in Macedonian language, Cyrillic alphabet) shall be replaced within 2 months. 
  11. Within 6 months control and revision shall be made to determine the status of the monuments, public buildings, and infrastructure, and if it refers to the antique Hellenic history and civilization, as part of the historical heritage of Greece, appropriate corrective measures and activities shall be undertaken. 
  12. Within 6 months, to initiate the removal of the symbol presented on the former national flag from the overall public places and from public use. Archaeological artefacts are an exempt.