Annual tax returns can be filed online as of Thursday

As of today, citizens are able to file annual tax returns to the Public Revenue Office (PRO) online.

Annual returns can be lodged from home any time of the day on web site by filling personal information and after obtaining an electronic signature by an authorized publisher, KIBS and Macedonian Telecom.

Minister of Information Society and Administration Ivo Ivanovski was the first one who filed an annual tax return online.

"The procedure is done in five minutes. I call on the citizens to use this online service, register as soon as possible and obtain an electronic signature, which can be also used for other services provided by the government and other institutions," Ivanovski said.

The online service is intended to reduce administrative costs, increase of voluntary payment of taxes, as well as simplification of tax procedures for businesses.

The service was promoted ten days ago by Premier Nikola Gruevski, Deputy-Minister of Information Society and Administration Marta Arsovska-Tomovska, and PRO director Goran Trajkovski.

The PRO is expected to receive this year approximately 200,000 annual tax returns.