PM expresses regret over Gostivar incident, says all ethnic communities should invest in mutual respect

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski expressed regret Saturday over the double murder in Gostivar and extended his condolences to the families of the victims. Representatives of all ethnic communities in Macedonia should invest in nourishing the mutual respect, he stressed.

"The incident in Gostivar is a tragic event for three families, but also for the city and the whole country. Everybody was shocked by what had happened. I am really sorry about that and I am offering my condolences to the families of the victims. All of us should in the future take care and do our best to prevent such incidents, especially those provoked by minor disputes," Gruevski said.

The price of a human life is pretty high and it should be respected, he said, pointing out that all citizens should invest in nourishing the mutual respect both as individuals and members of different ethnic and religious communities.