Great Britain strongly supports Macedonia's NATO and EU integration bid

Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki held a meeting Monday in London with the British Foreign Secretary, William Hague for talks on NATO and Macedonia's participation in its missions, especially in Afghanistan, the country's integration process and its attempts to affirm the European agenda.

Speaking to reporters after his meeting with Hague, FM Poposki said that Great Britain was a strong supporter of Macedonia and its NATO and EU integration bid, MIA reported from London.

"We have once again verified our full commitment. Undoubtedly, Macedonia is acting as being a member of the Alliance and in that view I believe we enjoy an overwhelming support for full membership," Poposki stated.

The visit to London is taking place ahead of the NATO summit in Chicago. He has recently visited Berlin, Copenhagen and Brussels and is set to visit Prague on Wednesday and Thursday.

With respect to Macedonia's EU membership, the high-level accession dialogue with the European Commission is an encouraging factor for the country, according to FM Poposki.

"It gives us a chance to additionally affirm our European agenda. I think the fact that the region has made a headway in its EU integration is of great importance," Poposki said.

London urged the region to make continuous headway. "Considering Macedonia, it is expected the country to start membership talks as soon as possible. In the meantime, we have room to make progress in key reforms that will be significant in the future," Poposki noted.

Macedonia is especially committed to boost its economic cooperation with Great Britain. "Major British investors are in Macedonia, while others review opportunities to invest in Macedonia. I think it is essential to present Macedonia as an investment destination and to highlight its European and Euro-Atlantic future as a strong signal for stability and prosperity in the region," the FM said.

Poposki and Hague also discussed mutual cooperation for membership in the UN Human Rights Council.

During his visit to London, FM Poposki met with the Chair of the MPs' Group for Cooperation with Macedonia, Karen Lumley and officials of the Foreign Affairs and EU Committees in the UK Parliament.

Earlier, he held a meeting with Deputy Secretary General in charge of the Commonwealth, Mmasekgoa Masire Mwamba.

FM Poposki in the evening is scheduled to meet with representatives of the macedonian diaspora in Great Britain.