Ivanov and Gruevski pledge to bring murder perpetrators to justice

President Gjorge Ivanov and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski condemned the murder of the five people near Skopje’s village of Smilkovci. They expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and pledged that murder perpetrators will be brought to justice.

- In these days we cannot stop thinking about the murder of the five men and to express sympathy to their families and relatives. We expect perpetrators to be found and punished, President Ivanov said after the Easter liturgy in “St. Kliment Ohridski” church.

Prime Minister Gruevski expressed his condolences to the families of the five victims murdered in tragic event on Thursday.

- This event upset us all. It affects us deeply but we must keep our heads up and to continue coping with the challenges. I want to send message to perpetrators that sooner or later they will be brought to justice and punished by law and by God if they even understand what this means at all, Gruevski said.