Fule: High-level accession dialogue brings new dynamics to Macedonia's EU-integration process
I am satisfied with the high-level accession dialogue(HLAD), which has brought new dynamics to and set the European agenda in the focus of a public debate, in spite of other present challenges, EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule said Monday at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.
"First I would like to say that this Dialogue is about our mutual commitment. It is very important that conclusions of the first session of HLAD have been delivered upon on all points. The High Level Dialogue is about substance. I am impressed/encouraged by the Prime Minister Gruevski and his government. I welcomed the overall Roadmap for the reforms adopted by the government on 24 April," Fule said, pointing out that the document itself should be seen as a living document/process.
Now it is important to implement these measures and to review/monitor the progress regularly, he said after a second session of the Macedonia-EU HLAD.
"Opening accession negotiations remains our common objective. However, in the meantime it is important to maintain the momentum of reforms. This is exactly why we have launched a High Level Accession Dialogue together with PM Gruevski," Fule said.
I have used today's session as an opportunity to reaffirm the Government's strong commitment to Macedonia's EU membership, namely launching of the country's accession talks in 2012, Gruevski said.
"I have assured Commissioner Fule in the Government's strong political will to deliver concrete results not only in the five spheres covered by the Roadmap, but also in the entire spectrum of fields incorporated in the Copenhagen criteria. We have no doubt that our accomplishments will be appropriately apprised in the report on Macedonia's 2012 progress and believe they will lead to repetition of the European Commission's recommendation for launching the country's (EU accession) negotiations," Gruevski said.
The session also addressed the implementation of Ohrid Framework Agreement and interethnic relations following the recent multiple murder in the country, Gruevski said.
"For the last ten years of implementing the Ohrid Framework Agreement Macedonia's multi-ethnic society and state institutions have proven their ability to deal with challenges of various nature for which special credit should be given to the context of (the country's) European, Euro-Atlantic integration processes. Hence, not by chance, the significance of this context is being indicated in the first sentences of the Ohrid Agreement. The societal energy is being focused on the integration, and the progress in this process narrows the room for breeding of radical agendas," Gruevski said.
Today's session borough conclusions in regard to the five vital areas covered by the high-level accession dialogue, namely rule of law, public administration reforms, media freedom, reforms in electoral legislation and functional market economy - including timeframes over their implementation. The next one is scheduled for this September. The results Macedonia will deliver at that session will be incorporated in the EC report on the country's progress towards the EU membership, which is to be published this October.
Taking journalist's question about the name row, which has been blocking Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic integration, and expectations from the new Greek Government in this respect, Gruevski said he was optimistic.
"I expect from the new government to express willingness for settling this matter. We are ready and wish for finding a solution. Whether it will happen is largely up to the will of the new Greek Government," Gruevski said.
Commenting the poll in Greece, Fule said it was a result of the free will of Greek people. However, it is important for no party that stands for xenophobia, nationalism to be part of the executive power, he said.
Whatever government is to be formed, it should respect Greece's best democratic traditions and values upon which the EU is founded," Fule said.