Promotion of 130 Volumes of Macedonian Literature edition in London

Starting from today the edition '130 Volumes of Macedonian Literature' in English language is available to students of the University College in London.

The promotion of this edition on Monday wrapped up the Days of Macedonian Culture in London, taking place on May 3-14.

"It is a great honor to promote the edition '130 Volumes of Macedonian Literature' in English language at the University College, where a great number of Nobel Prize winners, including great poet Rabindranath Tagore got their education. (The edition) reflects the multicultural profile of the overall literary works in Macedonia," Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska said at the ceremony.

For Venko Andonovski, one of most prominent Macedonia's writers, the edition's promotion in Britain is a great success for the Macedonian culture.

Now Macedonian culture gets own room at least in British libraries and universities, Andonovski said.

The concert of piano virtuoso Simon Trpceski with London's Philharmonic Orchestra at the "Royal Festival Hall" opened ten days ago the Days of Macedonian Culture in London.

The manifestation also included the exhibition "Made in Macedonia", presenting the works of 13 contemporary artists, the play "Henry VI" produced by the Bitola Theatre and performance of Stevce Stojkovski's folk ensemble.