FM Poposki meets Serbian MP Spirkovski

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Poposki met Thursday in Belgrade with Serbian deputy and leader of the Democratic Party of Macedonians in Serbia, Mile Spirkovski. He is the first Macedonian elected in the National Assembly of Serbia.

At the meeting held in the Macedonian embassy in Belgrade, Poposki was informed about party's activities, whose priorities include affirmation of the Macedonian community in Serbia and fostering of its cultural and national values, MoFA said in a press release.

"Minister Poposki said that it is crucial to preserve and foster the unity of the Macedonian community organized in various institutional forms. He underscored the intention of boosting economic and cultural ties between the municipalities with Macedonian majority in Serbia and Macedonia," stated the press release.

FM Poposki is in Belgrade where he takes part at a meeting of foreign ministers of Southeast Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) member states.