Monograph on Museum of Macedonian Struggle promoted

Monograph on the Museum of Macedonian Struggle for Statehood and Independence was promoted on Tuesday.

"The monograph brings us back to the revolutionary and political past of the Macedonian people, its spiritual strength in the achievement of statehood goals. Through arguments, we reconfirm the historic continuity in the use of our ancient name Macedonia", stressed Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska in the address.

The monograph is published in Macedonian and English languages, offering a journey through the 13 museum departments.

"The monograph depicts the beauty and rich content of the museum setup, its historic and artistic value", emphasized Kanceska-Milevska.

The event was attended by President Gjorge Ivanov, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski, Government ministers, MPs, local authorities and other guests.