Majority approves government policies: survey
A majority of Macedonian citizens positively assesses the Government's policies for attraction of foreign investments, agriculture subsidies and healthcare forms, shows a survey of the Institute for Political Research Skopje (IPIS).
With regards to the question on the government's attraction of foreign investments, 59 percent give the approval, 29.1 percent have a negative view, while 11.8 percent fail to answer.
Pertaining to the Government's policy on agriculture subsidies, 70.1 percent of respondents have a positive stance, 18.7 percent do not approve it, whereas 11.2 percent have no answer.
Majority of respondents (54.6 percent) positively assess the healthcare reforms, compared to the 34.8 percent with a negative stance.
Moreover, 46.2 percent approve of the Government's Euro-integration policies, higher than the 30 percent of negative responses.
Majority of respondents also positively assesses the European Commission Progress Report on Macedonia and expects an EU accession talks date this December.
IPIS conducted the telephone survey on 29 October-1 November at 1,115 respondents.