Gruevski: Support expected from Greece and Bulgaria for launching accession talks with EU
I expect Greece, being the oldest EU member in the region and a strong friend of the enlargement policy, to back the decision making for start of accession talks with Macedonia in December, thus giving the key and decisive political contribution to reviving the European integration of the Balkan region. The citizens in Macedonia expect the same from Bulgaria, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Thursday in a speech at a regional conference "Sustainable Reforms - Towards EU 2020 Objectives".
It is our wish, Gruevski added, the road to EU membership to be completed together with Greece. Demonstrating great willingness, we have launched a myriad of concrete activities on resuming bilateral cooperation and mutual trust.
"No one wants the last hurdle standing in the way of our European and Euro-Atlantic goals to be lifted more than Macedonia. Like many times before I would like to clearly confirm that we want to intensify the name talks with Greece held under the auspices of the United Nations and to reach a solution as soon as possible in line with the democratic principles and international law in the frameworks of the UN resolution, Interim Accord and the judgement of the International Court of Justice," PM Gruevski urged.
History has proven that blockades and lack of compromise approach failed in reaching solutions to certain bilateral issues, according to him. "European and Euro-Atlantic integration do that."
"The context of accession talks mitigates bilateral issues to be solved. It is our conviction that the enlargement is a gradual process founded on firm and sustainable implementation of reforms and we believe it should be preserved as such. Enlargement needs to reflect the EU credibility based on shared values that should be equally respected," the Macedonian Premier stated.
Referring to regional cooperation, Gruevski noted that Macedonia would pursue its policy of good relations with all of its neighbours. He mentioned the cooperation with Bulgaria, which "has great significance for the Republic of Macedonia."
"However, history should be left to historians. The 1999 Declaration is still considered as a good framework for further development of mutual relations. We have established an ample legal framework of bilateral treaties aimed at improving relations and boosting cooperation on concrete projects of practical interest for the citizens. The civil society and the press in both countries ought to play an important role in promoting mutual understanding and respect," Gruevski noted.
The conference "Sustainable Reforms - Towards EU 2020 Objectives" is organised by the Secretariat for European Affairs. In addition to PM Gruevski, it was also addressed by Vice PM for European Affairs, Teuta Arifi, Deputy FM Zoran Petrov and Stefano Sannino - the Director-General for Enlargement at the European Commission.