Minister Poposki Attends Transatlantic Foreign Ministerial Dinner in Rome

At the invitation of the Italian counterpart Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, Nikola Poposki, has attended today in Rome a Transatlantic Dinner that the Italian Foreign Minister has hosted in honour of the newly appointed US Secretary of State, John Kerry.

Apart from hosting its guest of honour, US Secretary of State Kerry, and the Foreign Ministers of the EU and NATO member states as is the usual practice, the dinner has on this occasion also been attended by the Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Macedonia and of Switzerland, as well as by the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, and NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

The event has been successful in producing a fruitful debate over the challenges that the transatlantic community is currently facing, with the attending chiefs of transatlantic diplomacies paying close attention to the consequences that the ongoing conflict in Syria could lead to, as well as focusing on the community’s efforts aimed at combating international terrorism and the priorities it has set for itself with regard to pursuing transatlantic relations.

- We have not gathered here in Rome only to engage in a discussion, but to also make certain decisions, US Secretary of State Kerry has pointed out on that note.

In his address at the event, Minister Poposki has, on his part, underlined that the full-fledged Euro-Atlantic integration of the Balkans still remains the transatlantic community’s unfinished job.

- The successes of the Euro-Atlantic family can be measured against the credibility of the entire enlargement process. Macedonia is a successful example of a country exporting stability, Minister Poposki has emphasized in that context.

Moreover, in addition to addressing his transatlantic counterparts, Minister Poposki has also taken the opportunity to acquaint US Secretary of State Kerry with the contribution that the Republic of Macedonia has been making to the peace missions that the transatlantic community has spearheaded in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries around the globe.

- This stands as a testimony to our sincerity and commitment to making our own contribution to the promotion of the values our community has been grounded upon. We have, moreover, continued making that contribution even in circumstances when our formal membership of both NATO and the EU is being continuously procrastinated.

That, in turn, provides yet another proof of the determination of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia to persevere on the road to promoting peace and prosperity in both the region and the world in general. Such an honest and clearly defined contribution as the Macedonian citizens have been making must not be left unrecognized, Minister Poposki has concluded.