Citizens generally satisfied from administration services
Citizens are mostly satisfied from the Central Register services and least from the Health Insurance Fund, window clerks in the Real Estate Cadastre Agency are the best, followed by the Employment Service Agency and the Customs Administration, queues are rare in the Central Register, show results of project "Secret Client" by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration.
The project, carried out in period May-June, included 2,700 surveys in ten branch offices of nine institutions where citizens need services the most, 540 sudden visits by hired agents representing themselves as direct users, as well as telephone calls to each institution.
According to the analysis, citizens are generally satisfied from the administration services, but planned reforms towards more efficient operations have to be implemented.
"Long queues at windows, no answers from telephone operators, lack of hygiene and improper temperature in the facilities are just some of the detected weaknesses, due to which certain institutions will need to reorganize their operations", said Minister Ivo Ivanovski on Wednesday.
He added that state institutions where shortcomings have been found would have to develop an action plan for their overcoming in four weeks. The project will be conducted again in six months, in order to see if there are changes in operations.