Government seeks ideas for Macedonian Village concession model
The Government will seek ideas and suggestions from the business community and the public for the operating of complex "Macedonian Village", aimed at securing the best model that would be included in the concession tender.
"The goal is to find the best model, thus achieving a profitable business endeavor for the entity managing the complex, but also securing contents, modalities, attractiveness, continual visits, which would be beneficial for citizens", said Government Spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjiev at Wednesday's press conference.
Entities from Macedonia and abroad can submit a 3-4 page business concept to the Ministry of Economy, presenting their vision, goals and ideas how to develop and manage this tourism complex.
Gjorgjiev said the complex promotion would start next week before chambers of commerce, experts, hospitality representatives. A feasibility study would be merged with the ideas and suggestions provided by the public, business community, chambers etc, resulting in a business model included in the documents within the concession procedure.
"The complex is scheduled for completion in January 2014, when a concessionaire will be selected", he added.
"Macedonian Village" is comprised of 12 houses, each symbolizing a certain region in Macedonia. They are divided in two levels, with the upper adapted for accommodation, and the lower to include crafts characteristic for the region. The complex has a tavern where the potential concessionaire could establish a hospitality business, but also fishponds, cattle breeding sections etc.