State Cardiac Surgery Clinic to enable progress, competitiveness in the field
Development of cardiac surgery, creation of competitiveness by hiring foreign doctors to train local surgeons and production of new experts in Macedonia - these are the expectations of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski from the project on building and opening a State Cardiac Surgery Clinic.
Gruevski said the decision on the establishment of such a clinic, passed recently by the government, had been made following in-depth analysis suggesting that it was necessary to construct and open cardiac surgery clinic.
"Activities are already underway for procurement of an equipment," the PM told reporters on Saturday after inaugurating a water supply and sewage system in the Municipality of Bogdanci.
Negotiations with two top cardiac surgeons from Italy are about to be completed, he added, who would lead the training of our doctors. "At the same time, communication is under way with the Zurich City Hospital to serve as a mentor to the State Cardiac Surgery Clinic," Gruevski said.