Sports Academy to become state school in 2015
The Sports Academy, where high school students will be educated towards becoming professional athletes and future members of the national teams, will become a new state school as of year 2015/2016, said Minister of Education and Science Abdilaqim Ademi at Sunday's press conference.
The Sports Academy is currently operating within the state school for physical education in Skopje. Due to enormous interest for enrollment, the experimental classes for football, basketball, handball and tennis, launched a couple of years ago, have been enlarged to seven other municipalities throughout Macedonia.
"Taking into account the specifics such as enrolment criteria, check-ups, engagement of professionals for practical instruction, evaluation etc, the Government has adopted the Law on Sports Academy, which provides the legal framework for the transformation of the institution into a separate legal entity, a new state school as of 2015/2016", said Minister Ademi.
The enrollment criteria remain the same, meaning that each candidate will have to undergo a testing stage for each individual sport, conducted by members of the sport federations and representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science.