Ten books translated within "Peaks in World Philosophy" project promoted

Ten books which are part of the project "Peaks in World Philosophy, History, Psychology and Psychoanalysis" were promoted Friday at the Skopje-based Faculty of Philosophy. The project envisages a total of 366 books to be translated allowing Macedonian readers to have direct access to world philosophy, history and psychology since their origins.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska were in attendance at the promotion.

"The Government has singled out 133 million denars for the project expected to be completed in 2017. Quantum leap will be made with this project allowing the Macedonian scientific community to reach the standards of older and developed scientific and cultural surroundings in terms of translated books into a mother tongue in the related field," Gruevski said.

The process of selecting books to be translated, according to him, was made thoughtfully and in consultation with many local and foreign experts in each of the scientific areas. "The most important books from ancient period until modern times, including the works of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, etc will be translated into Macedonian," the PM noted.

Minister Kanceska-Milevska said the edition enabled the top achievements in these fields to be incorporated into Macedonia's science, culture and higher education.

"The project "Peaks in World Philosophy, History, Psychology and Psychoanalysis" is one of the greatest translating challenges that our language and cultural community is facing. It will additionally affirm and develop the Macedonian language and its linguistic potential," she concluded.