PM Gruevski: EC recommendation confirms Macedonia's readiness to commence EU accession talks

The European Commission's sixth consecutive recommendation confirms Macedonia readiness to commence the EU accession talks. Macedonia remains on the EU-integration path and will keep investing maximum efforts to realize this strategic goal, which requires for the narrow-party and individual interests to be set aside, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told Wednesday a joint press conference with EU Ambassador to the country Aivo Orav. Earlier today, Orav handed over the EC progress report 2014 on Macedonia to PM Gruevski.

"Despite of all the challenges we dealt, and are dealing with in several spheres, the EC has decided that Macedonia deserves new recommendation, thus confirming that the country has reached a sufficient level of reforms, namely is ready to commence the accession talks for full-fledged EU membership. In spite of the likelihood of what is in store for us at the (European) Council's meeting in December, i.e. the Council to once gain fail to accept the recommendation as it has done five times in a row thus far, the EC has remained consistent to its policy and we appreciate that," the PM said.

The sixth recommendation in a row, he said, indicates the continuity in meeting the criteria and constant advancing of the processes, proving also the undisputable will for overcoming the challenges and turning our strategic goal - the EU membership - into reality.

This report is the best proof that Macedonia, despite of all challenges - the bilateral dispute with Greece and other obstacles on its road to the EU - has not sidetracked and cancelled the EU agenda, Gruevski said.

This year's report, he said, notifies sufficient fulfilling of the political criteria, substantial progress in the economy, as well as in the judiciary and public administration - spheres the Government has been focused on thus far. Solid progress has been also made in harmonizing the national with the EU legislation.

In the upcoming period the Government will keep working on overcoming the challenges related to the political dialogue, media, inter-ethnic relations and independency of institutions.
Further development of the good-neighborly relations also remains Macedonia's sincere and vital commitment, Gruevski said.

The Government is ready for talks on resolving the dispute with the northern neighbor that has been hindering Macedonia's EU-integration, the PM said, reiterating the position that settling of this matter requires equal engagement by both parties, but also more intensive and efficient EU engagement.

Resuming of the reform process is a must, he said, pointing out that the European Council cannot ignore the EC recommendations, as in that manner it generates new challenges to the entire society that afterwards are being used for introducing new topics by those who don't wish to see Macedonia as an EU member.

The Government will keep working on areas, where further progress is required, Gruevski said. However, all stakeholders in the society bear responsibility for and should also work to that effect.

The European Commission's progress report on Macedonia is objective, offering many sincere, clear recommendations to the Government and opposition, as well as to the EU members. Both ruling and opposition parties bear responsibility for the political dialogue, Orav said, expressing hope that it would soon resume in the Parliament.

Today, Orav also presented the EC 2014 Progress Report on Macedonia to President Gjorge Ivanov and Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski.