Gruevski: Agreement implementation in our interest

It is in our and the country's interest to implement the June/July agreement and we are committed to make this happen as soon as possible, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on Wednesday.

"Working groups are in continual communication with the mediator. It is in our and the country's interest to implement the agreement and we are committed to make this happen as soon as possible", PM Gruevski told reporters at the press conference on the latest World Bank Doing Business report.

Regarding yesterday's joint statement by ambassadors over the need for implementation of the Przino agreement as the best path out of the political crisis, Gruevski welcomed their engagement in the facilitation of talks.

Asked about his Twitter post that the Macedonian people decide on the country's future, he said it only confirmed the reality of pending elections.

"Citizens decide the elections", said Gruevski and added the comment did not collide with the efforts by representatives of the international community in helping Macedonia to overcome the impasse in the talks.

He denied speculation over alleged staging of protests organized by VMRO-DPMNE.