Saraqini-Ciric: Regional cooperation crucial in ending economic crisis

Regional cooperation is the best way to cope with the global economic crisis, assessed Macedonian and Serbian Economy Ministers, Valon Saraqini and Nebojsa Ciric respectively, at a meeting held in Skopje on Friday.

According to interlocutors, priority in the coming period would be given to increase of Serbian investments in Macedonia, joint performance at third markets and overcoming of open issues, such as non-customs barriers, import-export procedures, toll fees.

A joint committee will refer to the settlement of these open issues as of March, established as a result of the bilateral economic cooperation agreement.

Saraqini and Ciric agreed that countries share good economic relations, announcing cooperation in the tourism sector through the establishment of common tourism products. They also stressed the significance of completing the construction of Corridor 10.

Serbia is Macedonia's second trading partner in the total exchange of 2011. It amounted to US$ 750 million, of which US$ 305 Macedonian exports to Serbia.