Agriculture subsidies increase by 12 percent in 2012

 The Government has adopted the 2012 programme for financial support of agriculture worth Denar 6,923 billion (EUR 113 million).

Vice Premier for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski said at Tuesday's press conference there have been changes made in the design of subsidies, which increase by 12 percent compared to last year, whereas emphasis has been given to cattle breeding and gardening.

The programme contains 37 measures, which give directions to farmers which cultivations they should focus on.

Projected funds include the allocation of Denar 3,49 billion (EUR 57,3 million) for plant production, Denar 2,3 billion (EUR 37,7 million) for cattle breeding, while Denar 130 million (EUR 2,1 million) for organic production.

Additional measures for agriculture development include Denar 35 million (EUR 575,000) for insurance assistance, Denar 3 million (EUR 50,000) for protection of agriculture land, Denar 16 million (EUR 262,000) for introduction of higher quality standards etc.