PM Gruevski: Launch of high-level EU pre-accession dialogue - proof that Macedonia's reforms produce results

The launch of Macedonia's pre-accession dialogue with EU at the highest level was agreed last year's meeting in Ohrid with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told reporters on Friday.

"This agreement, which is a result of completed reforms thus far, should now be set into effect. In practice the country is getting a higher-level treatment, moving a step forward, in spite of Greece's blockade to start - as we deserve and as it should have been - of the official (membership) negotiations," Gruevski said after today's promotion of new medical equipment for Skopje Radiology Clinic.

This dialogue is an excellent news for Macedonia, as it will certainly generate new ideas, possibilities and actions, Gruevski said.

Referring to a fortcoming visit of the UN mediator in Macedonian-Greek name negotiations, Matthew Nimetz, the PM said he would certainly present some ideas.

"We should first hear, analyze them in order to present our opinion," Gruevski said.