German assistance for improvement of companies' competitiveness

Macedonian companies in sectors textile and clothing, suppliers of automotive parts and IT will be able to improve international competitiveness by December, through German assistance worth EUR 1,9 million.

This comes as a result of the agreement for implementation of the second stage of project "Enhancement of Investments and Exports", which the Ministry of Economy and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) signed on Friday.

The project is implemented within GIZ's bilateral German-Macedonian development cooperation, warranted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. It was launched in 2008, whereas EUR 600,000 were available for improvement of companies' competitiveness in the first stage that was completed in December 2009.

Besides the Ministry of Economy, the project partners also include the Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion, the Textile Cluster, and the Macedonian ICT Chamber of Commerce (MASIT).

"The project aims at improving the companies' international competitiveness in sectors textile and clothing, suppliers of automotive parts and IT industry, i.e. development of software in sections having great potential for generation of jobs, investments and export", said Minister Valon Saraqini at today's event.

According to him, the project would be implemented in three levels - macro (development of a strategy for enhancement of investments and export), meso (capacity strengthening of companies), and micro (consultancy, meetings, international fairs, events and publishing of promotional materials).

GIZ country director Michael Nebelung stressed Germany has supported Macedonia since 1992, with economic development always in the focus.

"We have provided support in the strengthening of the Government's capacities, as well as projects for development of regions in Macedonia", added Nebelung.

Over the past 20 years, the Federal Republic of Germany has allocated EUR 61 million for support in numerous fields - environment, sustainable development, decentralization, democracy, good governance, waters, energy etc.