The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia at the 154th session, held on May 16, 2023, reviewed and adopted the National Strategies for Prevention of Violent Extremism and Counter- Terrorism accompanied by Action Plans, for the period 2023 - 2027.
The coordination for the development of the strategic documents was carried out by the National Committee for Prevention of Violent Extremism and Counter=Terrorism.
Considering that violent extremism and terrorism are complex security problems that do not recognize borders, cultures, religions or ethnic groups, phenomena that affect us all and thus require a broad social and integrated response, the National Committee for Prevention of Violent Extremism and Counter-Terrorism involved various social actors in the development of the Strategies. Representatives of state institutions, religious communities, the academic community, the civil sector and the media took an active role.
The main focus of the documents is on the prevention of radicalization that leads to terrorism, strengthening the institutional capacities to fight against these phenomena - in the context of the security, stability and prosperity of the state and citizens, respecting the basic human rights and freedoms, defined by both domestic and international law.
The texts of the two National Strategies and Action Plans are fully aligned with the United Nations Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism, the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the European standards for development of this type of documents.