Economy Ministry to help companies in applying for EU funds
The Ministry of Economy has launched a series of visits to the chambers of commerce in Macedonia in an effort to present the EU's Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). 460 million euros are available this year to Macedonian firms through the programme.
"The Economy Ministry as a national partner of CIP in cooperation with all chambers of commerce, starting today with the Chamber of Commerce of Northwestern Macedonia, will provide technical assistance i.e. will elaborate to them the way in which companies are able to apply for these funds. Unfortunately, thus far only 1.6 million euros have been used for seven projects related to information technologies, environment advancement, entrepreneurship and social responsibility," Economy Minister Valon Saraqini said Wednesday prior to the presentation.
He urged companies to work on improving their projects in order to apply for funds.
The president of the Chamber of Commerce of Northwestern Macedonia, Menderes Kuci said that CIP was insignificantly used in Macedonia, whereas it was not used at all by members of the chamber due to "lack of information and complex procedures".
EU's Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme has a total budget of 3,5 billion euros for the period between 2007 and 2013 and is divided in three operational programmes - entrepreneurship and innovation, information communication technologies and intelligent energy Europe. EU members and candidate countries can apply for funds. 460 million are made available for Macedonian companies in 2012.