PM Gruevski meets EP rapporteur on Macedonia

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski held Wednesday talks with the European Parliament's rapporteur for Macedonia, Richard Howitt.

At the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the reforms implemented in Macedonia in meeting European standards and aimed at EU integration of the country.

PM Gruevski thanked Howitt for his support of our efforts to join the EU and his contribution to promoting our achievements. The PM at the same time praised the role of the European Parliament in realising the Macedonian EU integration agenda.

Gruevski informed his guest about the reforms implemented by the government, commending the High Level Accession Dialogue (HLAD), whereas the measures and activities stemming from the HLAD roadmap were positively assessed. It is expected the European Commission to acknowledge the achievements with a positive progress report on Macedonia.

Moreover, Macedonia's commitment to settling the outstanding issue with Greece was highlighted as well as its determination to foster, develop and improve good neighbourly ties.

PM Gruevski briefed Howitt on the current and complex developments and relations on Macedonia's political scene and within the government coalition. He stressed that EU and NATO membership remained a strategic objective of Macedonia and its government.