Macedonia investment benefits presented before Indian businessmen
A Government delegation will present Thursday Macedonia's investment benefits before Indian businessmen in Bangalore, the largest IT center in the world.
The delegation, comprised of Minister of Information Society Ivo Ivanovski, Minister for Foreign Investments Bill Pavleski, Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones director Viktor Mizo, and economic promoter to India, Toni Atanasovski, held Wednesday a presentation on investment benefits in Trivandrum.
Minister Ivanovski said companies showed interest for sectors IT and IT parks, health, education, mineral raw materials and tourism.
The presentation was attended by over 70 companies from different sectors, with owner of renowned company IBS, leader in airline industry software development, as the event's honorary guest.
Trivandrum is the capital of Indian state Kerala, considered one of the three most successful IT centers in India, including the largest IT companies on the Fortune 500 list.