Scientific-research textile lab opens at Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Minister of Education and Science Pance Kralev and Dean Aleksandar Dimitrov put into use a scientific-research textile laboratory on Saturday at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy.

The lab, worth EUR 450,000 will serve for scientific-research purposes, assisting the industry's development in Macedonia.

Minister Kralev said the lab would help the industry, but also the faculty in its research field.

"This laboratory is part of the Government's project for procurement of scientific-research labs, with 85 out of the projected 190 already installed. The project resumes in the coming period", stressed Kralev.

The lab will be promoted before chambers' textile clusters next week.

"This laboratory will help SMEs in abandoning the system of licenced manufacturing into a full-package system, meaning procurement of materials, their design, up to the creation of a Macedonian brand", said Dean Dimitrov.