Government launches new measures in support of agricultural production
The favorable credit line of the Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion, which thus far has been used for financing, buy-out, processing and export of agricultural products, may also serve to farmers for financing the production process, Government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgiev told a press conference on Saturday.
"The funds may be used under rather favorable terms - interest rate of 3% for a credit up to EUR 300,000. If farmers choose the option to pay the credit back in 18 months, they will enjoy a grace period of six months. For a five-year debt servicing the grace period is one year," Gjorgiev said.
In addition, the measures offer financing of future and former procurements - made 90 days before applying for the credit.
The new measures are being defined in cooperation with farmers, chambers of commerce upon their request and in favor to economic growth and creating new jobs.