Besimi in diplomatic offensive ahead of EU summit in June
I will not make predictions, neither as Fatmir Besimi nor as deputy premier, as to whether Macedonia will be given a date for start of accession talks with the EU at its June summit, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Fatmir Besimi said Thursday before launching his diplomatic offensive in several European capitals.
"However, I personally believe that a commission for the events of 24 December 2012 should have been set up so far and that the name issue should have been solved in the interest of the citizens of Macedonia," he stressed.
Every day, Macedonia is getting closer to a name row settlement and the country is a lot closer than in 1995, according to him.
The Deputy PM called on the political leaders to show courage and accountability and to look beyond the interests of their parties in order the commission to be formed as an additional argument prior to the upcoming summit of the EU.
Besimi in London, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Madrid and Dublin is going to seek support in a bid Macedonia to be given a date for opening negotiations by presenting the outcome of Macedonia's reforms in its EU integration process as well as the country's commitment to full-fledged EU membership.
The High Level Accession Dialogue and good-neighbourly ties will be pointed out at the meetings as a good example "of how we can work on reforms with joined forces while securing the process with fresh enthusiasm and dynamics."
Besimi also said he expected to answer 'difficult questions' such as the establishment of the commission and the law on media amongst other things.
"Regardless of the outcome of the June summit, Macedonia will resume its strategic priority - EU membership - and therefore the government is dedicated to implementing all of the necessary reforms," stated the Deputy PM.
Moreover, Besimi has already asked to meet with representatives of the new Bulgarian government ahead of the EU summit in June. He said that a meeting with Greece's foreign minister at this point would not significantly change anything with relation to the name issue.