Skopje gets new multi storey car park

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and  Cvetko Grozdanov, Director of the Public Enterprise for construction Management of Residential and Commercial Premises, formally opened Saturday the multi-storey car park 'Razlovecko Vostanie' (Razlovec Uprising) in downtown Skopje.
The multi-storey car park covers an area of 20.000 square meters, offering parking lots to 500 cars. The project also houses business-administrative premises.

This is the third storey car park that has been opened in Skopje city. Several others are under construction and will start working pretty soon, Gruevski said at the opening ceremony.

"In this manner we are resolving one of the most serious problems that have been burdening Skopje – parking space and overcrowded streets," Gruevski said.

All realized and future infrastructure projects will transform Skopje into a modern, functional city, capable to meet the needs of its citizens and visitors, he said.