Culture Ministry supports fine arts, gallery activities

As part of its annual program for the financing of projects of national interest, the Ministry of Culture is continuously supporting projects by national institutions, local institutions, individuals as well as by civil associations involving works of art and gallery activities thus enabling regular presentation of Macedonia's fine art and abundant artistic creations worldwide.

The realization of fine art projects this year features reciprocal representation of Macedonian and international works of art, including the organization of art exhibitions (solo and group ones), art colonies and the participation in the architecture biennial in Venice, the Ministry of Culture says in a press release.

One of the more important events, slated to take place in September with support by the Ministry of Culture, is the exhibit "Made in Macedonia-Bricolage". Organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art, the exhibition will be displayed at the Macedonian embassy in Vienna.

The show is part of the manifestation "Days of Macedonian Culture in Vienna", which marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Macedonia and Austria. Works by the Macedonian artists Antoni Maznevski, Ismet Ramikevic, OPA Group, Iva Dimevska, Atanas Atanasovski, Vanja Urosevic and Dijana Tomic-Radevska will be displayed.

The Association of Artists of Macedonia in mid-September will organize in Prague's Lucerna Palace an exhibit of works combining drawings with painting, sculpture, photography, film, graffiti and digital art.

The National Gallery of Macedonia in November in Prague will present Macedonia's art prior to and after World War Two. The event will mark the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations established between Macedonia and the Czech Republic.

Macedonian artists are also every year presented at the Prima Center in Berlin. This year they include Agron Saliu, Dimitar Hristov, Atanas Botev, Milan Andov and Kristina Aleksandrovska.

Macedonian artists for several years in a row with support by the Ministry of Culture are staying in the Macedonian atelier within the International City of Arts in Paris. Miroslav Masin, Stanimir Nedelkovski, Nehat Bekiri, Marija Pavlovska, Goran Boev and Ana Ivanovska will stay in Paris by the end of 2014. Furthermore, Macedonia's works of art this year with support by the Ministry of Culture will be presented in Vienna with an exhibition by Zarko Baseski. Moreover, the association of citizens in the field of graphic design, film and multimedia PLAKART-Skopje will present its annual exhibit in the Czech Republic and Poland.