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Автобуска несреќа – Бугарија, 23.11.2021
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Седници на Влада
Thursday, 14 September 2023, 16:26
After more than 3 decades, decision is made envisaging the realization of the most important energy project in North Macedonia, Chebren power-plant
Thursday, 09 September 2021, 13:34
The Government declared three days of mourning after the accident at the COVID center in Tetovo and accepted an offer from the allied countries to provide foreign experts in investigation of explosions and fires.
Thursday, 14 May 2020, 15:16
From the 48th session of the Government: The package of measures in the education in conditions of COVID-19 crisis has been determined; The school year continues and it will end online; Regulations will be adopted for delayed enrolment in the first grade
Thursday, 14 May 2020, 15:07
From the 39th Government session: More than 6,5 billion denars from the Budget have been allocated for implementation of economic measures adopted to deal with the crisis
Thursday, 14 May 2020, 14:47
From the 44th session of the Government: Mandatory wearing of personal protective equipment for the citizens in Kumanovo, Tetovo and Prilep; The payment of pensions will be carried out in an organized manner according to the amount of the pension and will
Thursday, 14 May 2020, 14:46
45th session of the Government: The time of free movement has been extended; Mandatory wearing of masks on the whole territory of the country; Mandatory self-isolation when testing for the presence of coronavirus COVID-19
Thursday, 14 May 2020, 14:43
From the 46th session of the Government: The citizens will be able to decide on their own will to donate the return from “My DVD” to the COVID-19 Budget; facilitated access of households at risk to the social assistance right
Thursday, 16 April 2020, 18:55
From the 43rd session of the Government: All persons with disabilities shall be exempted from the ban on movement. Decree adopted with force of law for compliance with the recommendations in the public transport of passengers
Tuesday, 14 April 2020, 19:16
From the 41st session of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia: The president of the country will be submitted a report with a proposal for a state of emergency; Another 118 companies with 1116 employees will use interest-free loans
Monday, 13 April 2020, 18:40
From the 40th Government session: Ban on movement of all citizens from 16:00h on Friday until 05:00h on Tuesday; The measure of strict isolation for the Macedonian citizens returning from the high-risk countries is extended and will last for 21 days
Tuesday, 17 September 2019, 11:52
154th session of the Government: New Defence Strategy Adopted; Draft Law on Classified Information following NATO standards; Recommendations adopted for anti-corruption education of students
Wednesday, 11 September 2019, 16:24
151st Session of the Government: The Government adopted a decision to purchase premises for the mission of the Republic of North Macedonia to NATO HQ; 121 million MKD for repurposing of non-ecological heating systems
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Ministry of Defence
Ministry of interior
Ministry of foreign affairs and Foreign Trade
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Ministry of Health
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of transport
Ministry of Economy
Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water economy
Ministry of Information Society and Administration
Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth
Ministry of Education and Science
Ministry of Local Self-Government
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Ministry of environment and physical planning
Ministry of Political System and Inter-Community Relations
Ministry of Inter-Community Relations
Ministry of Digital Transformation
Ministry of Energy, Mining and Minerals
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Assembly of RNM
President of RNM
Public procurements
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