Izet Mexhiti

First Deputy President of the Government and Minister of Environment and Physical Planning

Izet Mexhiti is a prominent politician and economist. He was born on February 8, 1977. With years of experience in the public sector, Mexhiti is known for his commitment to economic development and education.

Mexhiti completed his higher education at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje, in 2000, where he obtained a diploma in the field of fiscal management and accounting. In 2018, he also completed his master's education with the thesis "Modern Challenges of Local Economic Development - Case Study of Chair Municipality".

His professional career began as a professor at the "Arseni Jovkov" high school of economics in Skopje, where he taught from 2001 to 2004.

From 2005 to 2017, Mexhiti was the mayor of Chair Municipality, where he was continuously elected for three terms. During his time as mayor, he worked to promote local economic development and improve infrastructure and public services in the municipality.

In 2020, Mexhiti was elected MP to the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, where he continues to work on the advancement of legislation and policies that support economic growth and development.

Izet Mexhiti is a polyglot and in addition to Albanian he speaks English and Macedonian fluently.