Support for Young People
The Government will lead youth policy, which will be the core of policies for employment, reforms in the education, health, culture, sports etc. In the Governmental policies, the main accent will be put exactly on the measures that will improve the student life and standard, and that will provide for the youth to easily find first employment. Our priority goal is for the young people themselves to project and build their own future in their own fatherland.
The Government will introduce a special student payment card for using the services in the student campuses, discounts for use of intercity transport, discounts when visiting all state and national institutions, discounts when visiting sports and cultural activities that have national character.
The new policy for students’ scholarships will be through combination of state scholarships and motivation for fiscal relief of companies that will set aside percent of the profit for scholarships. The students with best results will have the advantage, but also those that face greater economic – social problems.
The Government will open a dialogue with the students regarding the means for de-partization and pluralism in the students’ organization that will enable crucial participation of the students in the management bodies of universities and their influence over the questions of their interest. Cooperation with them, the Government will promote regional project for students’ exchange.
The Government will initiate organization of state competitions in around ten different categories and high-school Olympics, following the Youth Student Games, on which most talented high-school students will compete in Olympic disciplines. Hence, we will create successful young talents, we will develop knowledge and sports spirit with the young people, and we will secure socializing among high-school students of all country.
The Government will create conditions for increased number of sport classes in the primary and secondary education with trainings and competitions in almost all sports. Our goal is for all the pupils to be able to socialize and live a healthy life without making it a financial burden for their parents.